Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Trek

I have done quite a bit of traveling around the United States in my lifetime.  The craziest transition I think I made was back in high school.  I went from being in Orlando, Florida to Spokane for about 5 hours in the middle of the night where my mom washed the entire contents of my suitcase and repacked it while I slept and then ran me back to the airport to fly to Juneau, Alaska.  I have traveled to Canada a few times and once to Mexico, but have never traveled outside of the continent of North America.  I am excited to extend my travels and explore more of the world.  With the travel plans being what they are for this trip, the group I am traveling with will first fly from Seattle, WA to Frankfurt, Germany.  We then have a 12 hour lay over in Frankfurt.  My professor says we will be able to exit the airport and spend most of the day exploring and taking in sights in Germany.  This is an exciting bonus to this trip.  We will then travel that night from Frankfurt (weather permitting) to Windhoek, Namibia.  Our return trip goes through Frankfurt as well, but we only have a 4 hour lay over which will be nice because I am sure we will be tired and ready to be home at that point.

First Flight: 10hrs from Seattle, WA to Frankfurt, Germany

Second Flight: 10 hours from Frankfurt, Germany to Windhoek, Namibia

 Overall Map with Final Location: Windhoek, Namibia

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