Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Love Tuesdays in Namibia!

I love Tuesdays in Namibia for two main reasons: 1) I get my 7A class only from break on and 2) I get to go to the children's home to hang out after school.

A few things to note from Tuesday:
-I made two posters for Mrs. Emma that post the learners who scored the top 10 scores on the most recent test in maths and in home ecology.  She asked me to make them because she said it gives the learners incentive to study harder and do better on their tests because they want their name on the poster and to be recognized for their accomplishments.

-Moses had their field day of athletics today and the four girls went in matching PLU intramural shirts and shorts, so fun.

-I helped Mrs. Emma grade some papers and had fun picking out stickers from the sticker books I gave her to put on the learner's work.  She would tell me to get a "little face" or a "little saying" sticker out.  We laughed as we looked through the Sponge Bob faces and action poses and tried to find stickers that matched the personalities of the learner's whose word we stuck them on.

-Miss Jessica short came to take a class photo (nice and goofy) of me with my 7A group.  The shots turned out very nice and I am pleased with them :)

-I talked to one of my learner's Tracey about her school uniform as I noticed it had a hole in the side of it.  I asked her how many uniforms she had and she said she only had the one and she had been wearing it since grade 5.  She said also that she washes it on Wednesdays and Fridays.

-At the children's home I had a great time hanging out with Bianca and helping her with her homework.  After homework time we had fun running around the house and being silly.  We also asked Conrad to make the bread early so we could help.  We had a great time getting our hands all doughy and squishing the dough between our fingers.  We helped form doughnuts and got to taste the sweet rewards of our hard work.  It was delicious :)

-It was Johaanes's 10th birthday today which was exciting, but there was a sad note to it as well.  We found out he had had a twin sister, Chantelle, who had died this past year of snake bite.  This was his first birthday without her.  There was a black and white photo of Chantelle on the bookshelf and it was very evident that they were twins as she looked just like Johaanes but with long braided hair.  It was so sweet and so heartbreaking at the same time when Johaanes took a cupcake over to the picture and set it down in front of it for Chantelle as he ate his cupcake and talked to her.

-Our taxi was late to pick us up, so we were there late enough to see the private school kids come home. This would probably be the last time we see them, so it was nice to get to give them each a sweet hug.

Little Cindy with her huge bag of books 

Jerome focusing


Oh Trevor

Sambalo working

My 7A class :)


Pins are of important marking here


Hi Cindy

Artsy photo of Sambalo

Hi Ann-Lee

Super Star Posters

Bianca and I

Jessica and Johaanes

Sweet Johaanes

Making Bread

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