This weekend, we didn't have any excursion planned, and decided it would be nice to have a chill weekend around Casa since we hadn't had one in a while and most likely won't have another one either. So Saturday we enjoyed sleeping in (till 8 instead of 5) and had a leisurely breakfast where we were able to order omelets since we did not have school to be leaving for 15 mins after we sat down. After breakfast, Jessica, Jill, Janelle, Molly, and I decided to go on a morning walk. It was overcast and not too hot, so it was the perfect morning for a stroll. I thought we were just going around the loop we lived on, so I wore my flip flops, but when we turned right up the road, I found out we were in for a much longer trek. The idea was for us to walk up to University of Namibia and then back to Casa, but that plan changed when we found ourselves lost and having no idea which way would get us back to Casa. We decided to stop and ask a man working in his yard for directions. He was very helpful and we made it back home about two hours after we had departed.
I had great plans to get blogging and paper writing done that afternoon until distraction set in and I found myself sitting in the lapa by the pool with a dead computer, since I had used all the battery surfing facebook and reading blogs, and the rain pouring outside. I sat there for about a half hour till the rain died down enough for me to make it back to my room without getting soaked. I decided then to make some lunch while my computer charged. I had ordered two hard boiled eggs at breakfast with plans to make an egg salad sandwich for lunch. I cracked the first egg open and found it to be mostly cooked so I just scooped out what was still raw and made do with the rest. I then went to crack the second hard boiled egg and found it to be more raw than cooked as it splattered all over me. I quickly removed my shirt and washed it in the sink with soap and water. I made egg salad out of what I could and sat down to eat my lunch. Being as gooey as it was, I dropped part of my sandwich on the new shirt I had put on and ended up having to wash it in the sink as well. Not such a successful lunch experience, but hey at least I was full.
Later that day, the group from Steenkamp decided we would like to get our group school profile paper done and out of the way. This resulted in a semi dysfunctional group work time that lasted 3 hours! It was funny, frustrating, and fun all at the same time. We finally finished around dinner time and I think we turned out quite a good product (it is posted previously if you haven't had a chance to read it, it's quite interesting).
After the completion of our paper, I made my way to the microwave to cook my Healthy Choice sweet and sour chicken and rice dinner. It was another small taste of home in America and fit my fancy for dinner that night. I spent the rest of the evening hanging out in different rooms as the rest of the girls minus Jessica and I got ready to go out for the evening. Once they left, I made a skype call to my mom, did some more blog writing, and hit the hay.
On Sunday, we enjoyed another morning of sleeping in and another nice and slow breakfast. Rueben who is one of the cooks, was teaching me on Saturday how to fold the cloth napkins all fancy like, so I decided to show him how to make one into a paper crane design. He liked it, but decided it took too long for him to use for all of the about 100 seats in the dining room.
After breakfast, the sun decided to make an appearance for the first time in many days, so we took advantage of it and laid out for a few hours. I was putting off writing my papers by doing this, but who knows when the sun will be back again. As usual, the sun was followed by quite the rain storm and here I am again, sitting on my bed, hair still wet from the pool, blogging as I watch and listen to the rain come down like crazy outside.
Not so hard boiled eggs
My lunch despite the mishaps
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