Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wed the 9th: The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Having gotten news of my official college completion on Tuesday, Wednesday was officially the first day of my post college life.  How lucky am I that I get to begin my "real" world life with three final weeks in Namibia.  What a blessing and I feel so fortunate to continue to have these life changing experiences.  Wednesday was a great day too.  I saw the principal on my way to class and I typically stop to say hi and chat with her a bit as she seems to enjoy that.  This day I shared with her my news and she couldn't have been more delighted.

When I got to my classroom, I found that there were no chairs to be found.  Mrs. Emma informed me that they were all in the library because they had been used for the parent's meeting the night before.  So, she took all the boys with her to help move the chairs, and I stayed with the girls in the classroom.  On their own, the girls began to sing the on a day like this song (see video clip link below) and I couldn't have been more delighted.  I loved watching them sing it without my leading.  When they were finished, they wanted to sing more songs, so I led them in a lovely rendition of  "He's My Rock My Sword My Shield", "Grey Squirrel, Grey Squirrel", "The Penguin March", "Go Bananas", "The Good Morning Song", and a few other camp favorites.  It was a fabulous time.  We then "caught" some pictures and finally the boys were finished bringing in all 40 chairs.

During home ecology, I got more of the classes going on their portraits.  During mathematics, Mrs. Emma continued with preparing the learners for the the test they would "write" on Friday.  Mrs. Emma graded some assignments in the learners maths exercise books and passed them back.  One learner, Algene, was so happy about the 4/5 she got, she was jumping up and down with excitement.

Once home for the day, I had a lazy afternoon followed by a crazy dinner experience.  I had some left overs to eat for dinner, so I went to the kitchen to warm them up.  It looked like it may rain, so I planned to just go to the other girls' room right by the kitchen (which is just a quick outside walk away) to eat, but the rain came before I was done preparing my meal. So instead, I had a dinner experience that felt like I was watching a crazy movie.  I sat outside under the covered dinning area, two tables away from the outside edge, facing the outside so I could see the storm.  The storm I watched was bigger than any other storm we have seen here yet.  It began with the typical sudden heavy rain, but was followed by a violent wind an bits of hail falling rapidly down.  The storm was so strong, I was getting hail bits bouncing off the tables in front of me and landing in my lap.  It was so crazy, I probably should have moved further inside, but I was so in awe of what was happening, I didn't want to move.  I just wish I would have had my video camera with me so that I could show you all the craziness of nature that I experienced.

A learner climbing the flag pole to un-stick the flag from the pole

Good Morning Learners

The photo shoot that ensued from the missing chairs scene

Dugary, class captain!



Marveline and Cindy

Freda and Algene

Marveline and Jerome

Kerly and Chantelle 

Cindy and Paulina

Paulina and Algene

Paulina and Freda

Kerly and Jerome


Tracey and Cindy

Freda, Marveline, Algene and Cindy

All the girls of 7A

Freda and I

Group shots

Lower-primary learners

My learners working on their portraits

Passing period at AI Steenkamp

My Learners Singing

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